On Thursday 14th October, Peace and Cooperation had the pleasure of attending the “DIPLOMACY AND CIVIL SOCIETY FORUM” organised by José Luis Yzaguirre at the Real Casino in Madrid, and especially the session dedicated to “The consular function: key to diplomatic activity”. Personalities from the diplomatic world intervened such as Eduardo De La Iglesia y del Rosal (Ambassador of Spain and President of the Council of Ambassadors of the Academy of Diplomacy, Kingdom of Spain), Ana Maria Almansán (Coordinator of the Consular Section of the Embassy of Romania in Spain), Juan Duarte Cuadrado (Director General of Spanish Abroad and Consular Affairs of the MAEC), Gerardo Seco Rodenas (Treasurer of the Real Casino of Madrid, replacing its President), José Luis Yzaguirre (Academician of Diplomacy and Director of the Tertulia-Debate “Juan Sebastián Elcano”, Casino) and, our former and dear Patron D. Arturo Pérez Martínez (Ambassador of Spain, Academician of Diplomacy and Counsellor of the Council of Ambassadors of this Academy).
Each of them explained, through their experience and work, the exceptional work done by embassies and consulates around the world. Through their own experiences, they exalted the human side that hides behind each embassy and consulate, institutions at the service of citizens.